Meet Roar!
Dinosaur Roar is the King of the Dinosaurs. He is strong, brave and heroic!
Name: Dinosaur Roar
Type of dinosaur: Tyrannosaurus rex
Colour: Green
Character: Strong, brave and heroic
Favourite pastime: Roaring

All about Tyrannosaurus rex

How to pronounce it: tie-RAN-oh-sore-us rex
What does it mean: ‘tyrant lizard king’
Type of dinosaur: Theropod
When it lived: Late Cretaceous
How it moved: on 2 legs (Biped)
What it ate: other animals (Carnivore)
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Read Roar’s book…
The king of the dinosaurs, Dinosaur Roar, had a roar that no creature could ever ignore!
Read the Book!